Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Pui yi taggeeddd

1.What do you look at when you see a girl? The boobs or the butt or…?
2.How do you feel about plus size women? Would you date her?
3.Choose between your mom or you girlfriend.
4. Your place or mine tonight?
5.There is a hot gal at the party? How would you approach her? Would you do it if you are already attached?
6.Where or what would you do with your hot date if you are on a budget?7.She has a stain on her shirt at her chest area. Would you tell her?
8. She spends more time with her gay best fren that hang out wit you. Would you be jealous?

1.What turns you on? Guys in boxers or guys in brief or nothing at all or…?
2.Would you buy flowers 4 a guy as a present?
3.If your bf doesn't have a car, would you u drive him around?
4.Hot guy in a party, would you approach him? If yes, how?
5.Is size really that important?
6.He is the guy of your dreams. Would you play hard to get?
7.He is an hour late for your date. Would you still go out with him on that date or have a girls night out?
8.You burped when you are kissing. How would you handle this situation?

so i tot it'll b time consuming to do this...and it will...omg 2 hours 2 kill aiks..thx 2 pui yi
so i guess i'll answer the guys part eh?

1) Its called screening you work ur way from the top to the bottom.....some gurls however you dont even look >.<

2) define + size...if she da fat....its just fat thrs no + size laa jioorrr...omfg its like ur pretty oN the inside...wtfwtf....and the answer is NO...wud u?

3) errr...wht does choose mean?? if its whos side wud i stand on...or listen to...of course my mom laaaa denggg...

4) doesnt matter *cought*idontcondonepremaritalsex*cought* XD butttttt Just in doesnt matter to me =)

5) Yes i wud talk 2 I'd do it? wtff "Hi, Im alex..u r?" wtf....and yes I'd do it even if i was attached...not married...attached...hell i can make frens can i =)

6) says : "sorry babe...imma broke...mamak fine with u?" if she cant handle tht she aint worth my time....

7) yea y not? nothing wrong with tht...lolzzz

8) naahhhh as long as he's fine...