Saturday, May 19, 2007

i can say! finally


4/4 assignments done

now all thts let is studying 4 exams

wonder how dat'll go.

anyways been a lil more cheerful these days

prolly its cz a few things got sorted out right


the horrors of horrors..

and after tht i only got 2 weeks of holidays really

thr goes the trip 2 auzzie...

sorry tranny...

things dint go as plan..

how about a 2nd ink eh?

so wanna do it!

let lina prick my skin again lolz!

oh on a random note..

music side effects..


Breakin Benjamin - Forget it

tranny intro 2 me..dam onzz!

so rocking my boat rite now

she's got good taste in music.


need ta crash..and prolly pay a lil more attention 2 my blog

b4 u guys/gals start writing it off as abandoned lolz
